
Mon - Fri : 9:00 - 16:00 CET

For Patients

The best care for our patients

We offer highly qualified medical services in the field of complex patient care

Thorough medical solutions for complex patient care

Our services for patients include second medical opinions from various specialties. For intensive care patients or those on multiple medications, we offer specialized, comprehensive counselling.

Medical Second Opinion

For patients who are concerned about their diagnosis or treatment, we offer a highly qualified and independent second medical opinion. This should focus on advising the patient on the need for a planned procedure and possible treatment alternatives that avoid surgery.

Intensive Care Counseling

A new need for intensive care raises many questions, especially for family members. We offer comprehensive counseling for patients who require intensive care or who are already in intensive care to provide the best possible care, medical and financial support.

Medication Analysis

We offer patients who have to take several medications simultaneously on a long-term basis (polymedication) a comprehensive consultation and structured analysis of their current overall medication. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and minimize the risks associated with taking medications.

Get in touch with us

Find out more about our services and how we can help you.

Phone number

+49 800 80 44 100



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